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Barnyard / Odalu

₹ 85

Millets are nutria cereals comprising of foxtail,little,kodo,proso,browntop and barnyard also called as minor millets.They are highly nutritious,non-glutinous and not acid forming ...

Browntop / Korale

₹ 160

Millets are nutria cereals comprising of foxtail,little,kodo,proso,browntop and barnyard also called as minor millets.They are highly nutritious,non-glutinous and not acid forming ...

Kodo / Haraka

₹ 85

Millets are nutria cereals comprising of foxtail,little,kodo,proso,browntop and barnyard also called as minor millets.They are highly nutritious,non-glutinous and not acid forming ...

Foxtail / Navane

₹ 85

Millets are nutria cereals comprising of foxtail,little,kodo,proso,browntop and barnyard also called as minor millets.They are highly nutritious,non-glutinous and not acid forming ...

Little / Saame

₹ 85

Millets are nutria cereals comprising of foxtail,little,kodo,proso,browntop and barnyard also called as minor millets.They are highly nutritious,non-glutinous and not acid forming ...

Proso / Baragu

₹ 85

Millets are nutria cereals comprising of foxtail,little,kodo,proso,browntop and barnyard also called as minor millets.They are highly nutritious,non-glutinous and not acid forming ...